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Modern Architecture

Property Management

Rent Collection

  • Collecting rent is one of the key tasks of our property management services. If rent collection was the only duty of a property manager, then you may think you could do it yourself . This is especially true since many tenants pay rent through online portals.

  • However, our property managers are helpful when things go awry, which they often do. They can deal with tenants when they begin to default on their rent. They also have a working knowledge of landlord-tenant laws for when things get sticky, such as during an eviction process.


Regular Property Maintenance

Our property managers deal with all type of maintenance requests and keep our clients in peace of mind. Smaller requests can be handled internally. Larger and more complex issues can be delegated to outside specialists Property management services includes regular inspections and routine maintenance such as:

  • Lawn Care

  • Pressure Washing

  • Preventative Maintenance

  • Plumbing Issues

  • Fixing Appliances

  • Drywall Patching

  • Anything Else A Tenant Might Need


Dealing with Defaulters

This goes beyond slow payers to those seriously in breach of their leases. They could be more than a month past due or be risking the condition of your asset, or the police could be involved in a criminal issue. Sometimes these things can be worked out directly with renters. It may require lawyers or even going to court in other cases. Our property managers can handle this for you and save you a ton of time and stress in these situations. Having a professional third party in between can often speed up better solutions than a DIY landlord that may appear an easier target for malicious tenants.


Sourcing Tenants

This is a lot more work than some understand at first. Our management service is taking on the cost of marketing for tenants, showing units, and screening prospective renters. There is a lot of expertise brought to the table here, and it may be the most valuable thing our property management company offer. Then there is supervising move-in and move-out activity.



Bookkeeping is probably the least fun part of real estate for most investors. At the same time, great bookkeeping and invoice handling are critical for minimizing taxes, keeping the best vendors, and generally keeping the cash flowing. Our property manager offers to run the books for free, you had better take advantage of it. Rental properties are best left as a passive investment, after all. 

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